Letter from the Hon. Arthur Paget (Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary) to Lord Grenville.
Source: Paget, Right Hon. Sir Augustus B. Paget, G.C.B. The Paget Papers, Diplomatic and other Correspondence of the Right Hon Sir A. Paget. G.C.B., 1794-1807, 2 Vols. Longmans, Green and Co. New York 1896. Vol 1. Pages 206-207.
From the Hon. A. Paget to Lord Grenville.
[No. 2.] Palermo, 13th May, 1800.
My Lord,I have the honor to acquaint Your Lordship that I presented my Credential letters to Their Sicilian Majesties, by whom I was very graciously received on the 21st and 22nd Apl. The Duke de Berry is arrived at Naples and is expected here immediately. He will be admitted into this Service and is to have a Regiment ; H.S.M. has settled a salary of 30,000 Ducats or about £6000 a year upon His Royal Highness. He has already declared his wish to espouse one of the Princesses but in this he meets with no sort of encouragement, and I am sorry to say that the Marquis de Circello is rather reprehended for the part he has taken with Monsieur in this business by having in some measure committed H. S. M.
It is a very singular thing that notwithstanding the supposed predrlectron of the Emperor of Russia for the Island of Malta, and though Russian Troops are there, I have seen some instructions sent to the Russian Minister here from St. Petersburg respecting the disposition to be made of the combined forces m the event of that Island and its Fortresses falling into their hands, by which it appears evident that an order must have been sent some time ago for the Russian Troops now at Corfu to go to Malta. Monsr. D'Italinsky (the Russian Minister here) and Adml. Ouschakow are both of opinion that the Dispatch conveying these orders must have miscarried and have in consequence written for fresh imstructions to St. Petersburg. In the mean time I have not failed to hold such a language as is prescribed in yr. Lp's. dispatch to me upon the subject. Such a reinforcement is much wanted at Malta, but it would scarce be possible to prevail upon Prince Wolkonsky to proceed thither without further orders.
Genl. Borordin who commands the Russians at Naples has arrived here.-I have the Honor, &c.,
(Signed) A. Paget.
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