The Paget Papers.

Letter from the Hon. Arthur Paget (Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the King of the two Sicilies) to General Pigot.

Source: Paget, Right Hon. Sir Augustus B. Paget, G.C.B. The Paget Papers, Diplomatic and other Correspondence of the Right Hon Sir A. Paget. G.C.B., 1794-1807, 2 Vols. Longmans, Green and Co. New York 1896. Vol 1.  Pages 269-270.

Palermo, 14th Sept, 1800.

My Dear General Lord,—Your lettr of the 3d & 6th Inst the latter announcing to me the important events whch have taken place under yr Auspices, reached me only between ten & eleven o'clock the night before last, & yesterday morning at 6 o'clock I dispatched a servant to England who will, I doubt not, be the first to arrive with the news of the surrender of Malta. I took particular care to forwd yr Lettr to Mrs. Pigot. I much fear that the manner in whch it has been thought right by Sr R. Abercrombie to take possession of Malta, will if not remedied wth address, be a source of jealousy and discord whch may have very unpleasant consequences. I still maintain that to hoist the British flag exclusively, is a direct and open breach of existing treaties-& between ourselves I am convinced within my own mind, that such never was the intention of Government-when the Island of Gozzo was taken possession of by Ld Nelson the Neapolitan colours only were hoisted. H.S.My would with pleasure have abandoned La Vallette to the English, but it is natural & just that as Sovereign of the Island of Malta & a part concerned in the reduction of the fortresses that He should see His flag flying in some part of them. To exclude Him from this is m my mind an arbitrary Act of Injustice. How matters will be made up with the Grand Master for excluding His flag, remains to be seen. I am upon the whole extremely sorry to observe the conduct we have adopted upon this occasion.


Created 12th April 2004

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