The Paget Papers.

Letter from the Hon. Arthur Paget (Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the Court of Austria) to Lord St Helens.

Source: Paget, Right Hon. Sir Augustus B. Paget, G.C.B. The Paget Papers, Diplomatic and other Correspondence of the Right Hon Sir A. Paget. G.C.B., 1794-1807, 2 Vols. Longmans, Green and Co. New York 1896. Vol 2.  Page 45.

From the Hon. A. Paget to Lord St. Helens.

Vienna, 8th March 1802.

I understand that there is much difliculty in the Negociations at Amiens respecting Malta-We wish it to garrisoned by Neapolitan Troops ; Bonaparte is desirous that it should be restored immediately & unconditionally to the Order. If so, it is surely extremely essential that Hompesch* should not succeed to the S. Ministry which Intrigue he is supported by Bonaparte. In this as in all other affairs relatlng to Malta, the Ct of Vienna has already engaged duly to act in strict conjunction with that of Petersburg.

* Hompesch had been Grand Master of the Order, and had been brought over by the French to surrender Malta in 1798.


Created 27th April 2004

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