The Paget Papers.

Letter from the Hon. Arthur Paget (Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the Court of Austria) to Lord St Helens.

Source: Paget, Right Hon. Sir Augustus B. Paget, G.C.B. The Paget Papers, Diplomatic and other Correspondence of the Right Hon Sir A. Paget. G.C.B., 1794-1807, 2 Vols. Longmans, Green and Co. New York 1896. Vol 2.  Page 57.

From Lord Hawkesbury to the Hon. A. Paget.

Downing Street, 28th June 1802.

Sir,-. . . I send you inclosed for your Information the copies of a Note which Mr Merry delivered to the French Minister on the 8th of this Month, and of the Answer which has been returned to it by Mr Talleyrand.
You will lose no Time in communicating these Papers to the Austrian Ministers, and in expressing to them His Majesty's Desire that, as the French Government have entirely acquiesced in the Arrangement respecting Malta proposed by His Majesty's Government, the Emperor of Germany will not only himself accept without Delay the Guaranty of the Island of Malta, but will use His Influence with the Emperor of Russia to induce that Sovereign to adopt the same Measure on His Part. As the Principal Objection advanced by the Russian Government against the Arrangement in the Treaty of Amiens is now satisfactorily removed, there is every Reason to hope that the Emperor of Russia will make no further Difficulty on the Subject.-I am, &c.



Created 27th April 2004

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