The Paget Papers.

Letter from the Hon. Arthur Paget (Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the Court of Austria) to Lord St Helens.

Source: Paget, Right Hon. Sir Augustus B. Paget, G.C.B. The Paget Papers, Diplomatic and other Correspondence of the Right Hon Sir A. Paget. G.C.B., 1794-1807, 2 Vols. Longmans, Green and Co. New York 1896. Vol 2.  Pages 76 -77.

From Lord Whitworth to the Hon. A. Paget.

Paris, Apr. 29th 1803.

My Dear Paget,- . . . This may possibly be the last letter which I shall have to write you from hence. I repeated two days ago the Conditions which we considered as indispensable with a view to our security, and at the same time declared that I was ordered to leave Paris on Tuesday next, (it is to day Friday) unless those Conditions were accepted. The chief of these is a temporary possession of Malta, (for ten years), and the acquisition of another point in the Mediterranean, which by the expiration of such a term might perhaps be made tenable.
I can scarcely form an opinion on the result. When I consider the dangers of all kinds, both public and private, which must acerue to this Country & Government from a renewal of war, I am inclined to think well of it ; but when I recollect the untractable character with which we have to do, I am almost inclined to despair. Three days will now decide the question. I am sure we shall have the hearty good wishes of the Court where you are, and in truth it would be almost unreasonable to expect more under the present circumstances.
Au revoir here or in England. In the mean time believe me, &c.

(Signed) Whitworth


Created 27th April 2004

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